Welcome !
A Letter from our President
Our wish for you is that, through our website, you will be able to catch a little glimpse of Chi Omega at Ole Miss.
Ever since I ran down the hill on Bid Day and into my best friend's arms, I have had no doubt that choosing Chi Omega has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made. In Chi Omega, there is no need for frill or fabrication. It's a "come as you are" kind of place where every girl can be her truest, most vulnerable self.
Here at Chi Omega, what you see is what you get! Chi Omega is a friendship organization. Above everything else, the reason we exist is so that girls can find like-minded friends that make them feel heard, loved, and respected. Your years at Ole Miss will be some of the most exciting times of your life. However, there will be days that might not be so great. It's on those not so great days where you need friends who will comfort you and encourage you. Through Chi Omega, I have found friends who offer comfort in times of need and celebrate with me in times of success. I am confident that I have formed authentic friendships that will be with me forever.
We have such a diverse sisterhood with so many unique personalities. This diversity has taught me so much. It has allowed me to be surrounded by girls from various parts of the country and in different walks of life. It has challenged me to broaden my perspective and has pushed me to learn more about myself and what makes me unique. It makes me to be a part of such a remarkable group of compatibly diverse women.
Being a Chi Omega at Ole Miss is walking into the house and seeing Ms. Patti’s infectious smile. It's getting breakfast with your big sister when you’re having a bad week. It's staying up too late giggling at absolutely nothing with your very best friends. It's having a study buddy who will always keep you accountable. It's getting to see the pure joy on a child’s face during a Make-A-Wish reveal at the house. It's dedication to do our best to keep our Six Purposes at the forefront of our sisterhood. Lastly, it's about taking any and every opportunity to flourish during our short time here at Ole Miss. From Orientation Leaders to Big Event Directors to RebelTHON participants, our sisters are involved all over campus and within the Oxford community. Rarely would you find an organization on campus without a Chi Omega in membership. We celebrate our differences because that is what makes each member a unique piece of the puzzle in our sisterhood.
These past three years at Ole Miss and in Chi Omega have meant the world to me. Chi Omega has given me some of my greatest friends and fondest memories. My sisters have taught me what it means to be an intentional friend and have pushed me in ways I could not have imagined. I hope this has given you an idea of how much Chi Omega means to me. It’s not just a house. It’s a home filled with family we will cherish for a lifetime. We, as members of Chi Omega, are forever grateful for the house at the bottom of the hill and the hundreds of women who have chosen to live by the words engraved in our symphony.
Lydia Snopek
Chi Omega President
Tau Chapter

Lydia Snopek | Chi Omega President | Tau Chapter
In the past three years, Chi O has provided me with a group of older girls to learn from, a pledge class to lean on, and a group of younger girls to love on.

Chi Omega Symphony
To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed;
to place scholarship above social obligations
& character before appearances;
to be in the best sense, democratic rather than "exclusive",
and lovable rather than "popular";
to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely,
to choose thoughtfully that course
which occasion and conscience demand;
to be womanly always; to be discouraged never;
in a word, to be loyal under any
and all circumstances to my fraternity
and her highest teachings and
to have her welfare ever at heart
that she may be a symphony of
high purpose and helpfulness
in which there is no discordant note
- Ethel Switzer Howard
Member Testimonies

Chi O has become my home away from home. When I walked through the doors for the first time, I felt a sense of overwhelming love and support, as well as the ability to be my true self!

I have found sisters who encourage me daily, cheer me on, and celebrate me regardless of the season I am walking through.

I am forever indebted to Chi Omega for giving me my best friends - the people that love me well, lift me up, and push me to be the best version of myself on a daily basis.
Get in Touch!
We'd love to hear from you

President's Email:

Mailing Address:
Chi Omega
P.O. Box 1268
Oxford, Mississippi 38655