All about Philanthropy

A Letter from our
Philanthropy Chairs
Our names are Peyton, Dabney, Maggie & Lilly Beth and we have been given the very special honor to serve as the 2024 philanthropy chairs for our chapter! We feel so lucky to be Chi Omegas because we get to help impact the lives of others in ways that are near and dear to all of our hearts.
Our national alliance is with the Make-A-Wish foundation. Make-A-Wish grants wishes to kids with life-threatening medical conditions. Most recently, we had the chance to host a wish reveal for a sweet, new friend, Madison, who got to go to Disney World! The joy of that day is one that we will never forget!
Each year, we raise over $60,000 for our philanthropy! The Tau chapter of Chi Omega holds several philanthropy events throughout the year to make this happen. Our fall event is Chi O Carnival which benefits Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital in Jackson, MS, the only children’s hospital in the state. We love to fundraise for this sweet hospital in memory of our sister, Alison Turbeville. Our spring event is Chi O Crawfish, where students and other guests who travel from all over come enjoy crawfish and live music at our house. While this event is a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, this day is dedicated to the five sisters who were tragically killed in the spring of 1987 during a walk-a-thon.
In addition to these two events, our chapter also holds a fundraising letter drive. This is highly successful, and we are so thankful for all the support!
Three years ago, we established an endowment for the Chi Omega Women’s Health Initiative through the University of Mississippi Foundation. With this endowment, we look forward to establishing a women’s health center on campus. Through this philanthropic endeavor, we will be able to see long-term benefits for our daughters, friends, sisters, and granddaughters for many years to come!
So far, this year has been so wonderful serving as the Philanthropy Chairs! Thank you for supporting us through our endeavors in which we are so passionate about.
Peyton Burgess, Dabney Flynt, Maggie Roberson & Lilly Beth Sutton
Chi Omega Crawfish
Here's a glimpse into one of our favorite days of the whole year! On March 1, 2024, we celebrated the lives of Margaret Gardner, Hess Worsham, Mary Pat Langford, Beth Roberson, and Robin Simmons at our annual Chi Omega Crawfish Boil.
Thank you to PC 21's Ellie Herndon for creating this TikTok!